Malankara World

What Shall I Do To Be Saved?

By Rev. Dr. Curian Kaniyamparambil

Question 119. Are Saints omnipresent to hear everyone's prayers?

No. Only God is omnipresent. God has given them all these abilities so that God may use them. They can go anywhere in the company of our Lord (Revelations).

Stephen saw the heaven opened and Jesus on the right side of the Father. Stephen saw this not because he was omnipresent but because our Lord gave him this power or privilege.

Also remember that St. Paul was elevated to the third heaven. How did all this happen? The saints were righteous people, God renders to them these abilities. Paul was just an ordinary man. But God gave him the power to show and perform unusual miracles (Acts 19:11).

Through the hands of the apostles, God did many wonders and signs (Acts 5:12,14:13). Through His name they became powerful (Acts 3:6). James says, My brethren take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. Indeed we count them blessed who endure. (James 5:10-11).

St. Paul said Remember those who rule over you. Who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow considering the outcome of their conduct (Heb.13: 7). "The ears of the Lord are open unto their prayers." (1 Pet 3:12)

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