Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from a Jacobite and Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal
Theme: Discipleship, 4th Sun After New Sunday
Volume 8 No. 478 May 4, 2018

Happy Birthday Holy Father

We wish His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, The Patriarch of Antioch and All The East, The Primate of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church a Very Happy Birthday (May 3)

1. A New Generation Occupies The Throne of Peter in Antioch

An article by D. Babu Paul on the occasion of the election of Karim Thirumeni as the Patriarch of Antioch and All The East.  Published in Mathrubhumi on April 1, 2014. (Malayalam)

I. This Sunday in Church: 4th Sunday After The New Sunday

2. Bible Readings for This Sunday (May 6)

3. Sermons for This Sunday (May 6)

4. Malankara World Journals with the Theme: Discipleship

Volume 8 No 456 Jan 12, 2018
Theme: Discipleship

Volume 7 No 421 June 16, 2017
Themes: Cost of Discipleship, 2nd Sunday After Pentecost

Volume 7 No 416 May 19 2017
Theme: 4th Sun After New Sunday, Discipleship

Volume 7 No 393 Jan 13 2017
Theme: Calling Disciples

Volume 6 No 371 Sep 7 2016
St. Mary and Discipleship

Volume 6 No 351 May 27 2016
Theme: Discipleship, Eternal Peace

Volume 5 No 289: June 5 2015
Sword, Peace and Discipleship

Volume 4 No 245: November 7, 2014
Theme: Discipleship - Taking Up Your Cross

Volume 4 No 224: June 20, 2014
Theme: Discipleship - Challenges and Sacrifice

Volume 4 No 220: May 24, 2014

Volume 3 No 154: August 1, 2013
Theme: Evangelism/Discipleship

Volume 3 No 145: May 30 2013
Theme: Cost of Discipleship

Volume 3 No 140: May 2 2013
Focus: Christian Persecution And Discipleship

Volume 3 No 120: Jan 17 2013
Theme: Discipleship

II. Lectionary Reflections on Luke 9:51-62

5. Gospel Text: Luke 9:51-62

Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. ...

6. Jesus' Forbearance With Unbelievers and His Expectations of Believers

Like James and John, we sometimes think that God should immediately kill sinful people, and wonder why He doesn't. The reason is because He is so merciful and longsuffering. ...

7. The Call of Jesus

Jesus set his face toward Jerusalem, toward a cross and empty tomb. In this is deliverance for lost humanity. ...

8. Keep Your Hand on the Plow! Reflections on Luke 9:62

Haven't we all, at one time or another, put our hand to the plow and looked back? ...

9. Let the Dead Bury the Dead

Maybe, what Jesus is trying to say to us is that there is still work to be done, there is still life to live, there are still opportunities and experiences and memories to be had ....

III. Featured Articles: Discipleship

10. Leading Others to Christ (Andrew)

Andrew didn't always know how Jesus would deal with a particular person or situation, but he kept right on bringing them to Him anyway. That's a characteristic every believer should have. Your spiritual gifts might differ from others, but your common goal is to make disciples....

11. The Biggest Commandment: The Invitation to Commit

What's the one most important thing? Love God, love neighbor. Love received, love given. The saints taught us this. Others could become saints as we pass God's love to them. ...

12. Everyday Life of a Disciple

Their job was to preach the Gospel and call the people to repent getting them ready for the King to enter. These were the King's spokesmen. When they preach with Jesus' commission they are representing Him. So when they are either accepted or rejected, Jesus is either accepted or rejected. ...

13. Discipling Every Age

Discipleship is the process whereby we seek to teach others the Word of God. Notice that the Great Commission is not only to teach people God's commands, but to teach them to "observe" or "obey" all that He commanded. ...

14. The Light That Never Fails

Allow nothing to keep you from looking with strong determination into the face of God regarding yourself and your doctrine. ...

IV. General Weekly Features

15. Family Special: Are Sex and Marriage Issues of Orthodoxy? Yes, They are...

The Church of today must stand firm on sex and marriage, just as the Church of yesterday stood firm on the deity of Christ at the Council of Nicaea. After all, He's the same yesterday, today and forever....

16. Family Special: Command and Teach These Things To Your Kids Early

Grab the reins of authority early in your child's life. You must train, mold, correct, guide, punish, reward, instruct, warn, teach, and love your kids during the formative years. ...

17. Bite Your Tongue! A Reflection on Common Sins of Speech

Some of the most common sins we commit are related to speech: gossip, idle chatter, lies, exaggerations, harsh attacks, and uncharitable remarks. With our tongue we can spread hatred, incite fear and maliciousness, spread misinformation, cause temptation, discourage, teach error, and ruin reputations. ...

18. Highs and Lows

One minute we experience a victorious spiritual breakthrough and are on top of the world. The next minute the raw realities of life assault the very core of our faith. ...

19. About Malankara World

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