Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from a Jacobite and Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal
Themes: Temptation of Jesus, Raising of Lazarus, Satan/Devil
Volume 7 No. 407 April 6, 2017

1. Foreword

Everything Jesus Christ did had a purpose behind it. So, what did He wanted us to learn from his Temptation? What was the significance of raising Lazarus? The role played by St. Thomas, The ultimate faith statement of Martha, "I am statement of Jesus", ...

I. 40th Friday of Lent in Church

2. Bible Readings for This Friday Lec_40th-Friday.htm

3. Sermons for This Friday Sermon-of-the-week_40th-Friday.htm

II. Lazarus Saturday in Church

4. Bible Readings for Lazarus Saturday

5. Sermons for Lazarus Saturday

6. Malankara World Journals with the Theme: 40th Friday/Lazarus Saturday

7. Malankara World Passion Week Supplement

Malankara World has a supplement that provides detailed information about Passion Week including articles, prayers, sermons, etc. You will find it here:

Passion Week Supplement in Malankara World

Malankara World has developed a daily plan of bible readings, meditations, reflections, and prayers for Passion Week. You will find it here:

Today in Passion Week

Sermons and Bible Readings for Passion Week

III. Temptation of Jesus

8. Three Teachings on Temptation

God does not permit any evil or problem unless it can serve some greater good. In the case of temptation, He permits it because it summons us to love Him while giving us the freedom to reject or accept that call. God seeks sons and daughters who can love Him freely. ...

9. Jesus Was Tempted by Satan - A Biblical Refection

Temptation often comes not at our strongest, but at our weakest moments. That is, when we are at the limits of our patience or kindness, when we are under pressure. So be on guard. Our Lord's temptation began "after" 40 days of fasting. ...

10. Temptations of Christ

Jesus, after 40 days and nights of fasting, was tempted by the devil to trust in himself rather than in his father in heaven. Instead of falling, like the children of Israel had, Jesus would be triumphant, pre-enacting what he would do for the world on the cross: conquer sin and defeat the enemy. ...

IV. Raising of Lazarus

11. Across the Jordan: Waiting for Lazarus to Die

Strange as it may sound, Jesus stayed away from Bethany so that after Lazarus died, he could raise him from the dead, bringing great glory to God, and confirming his own words when he said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" - John 11:25. ...

12. At Lazarus' Tomb

As we draw near to the end of Lent, today's Gospel clearly has Jesus' passion and death in view. ...

13. When It Is Humanly Impossible

The Lord's ways of human impossibility are essential for a person to understand
who is walking in the way of the cross. The Lord crucifies the flesh and all
human reasoning until there is only one thing that prevails, and that is the
faith that He gives. This is the faith that the Lord is exercising here. ...

14. Lazarus: Miracle and Motive

They killed Jesus because he offered life. They killed him because they understood what his message was, and now they realized that he had real power behind him as well. Until Lazarus, he was just another reformer. He was just a vagabond with some followers stirring up trouble here and there. After Lazarus they knew his power. They knew they were in trouble. ...

V. Featured: Satan - Devil

15. Satan - The Same Old Trick

Satan is not an original thinker, and he has no new ideas. If you study the Bible and human history, you'll see that he has only one trick up his sleeve, and he relies on it over and over again. ...

16. Don't Let Satan Fool You

These temptations will always be present in life, but Jesus offers us a powerful reassurance in Matthew 6 that equips us to defend ourselves. ...

17. The Devil's Mail

Always guard your heart. Never allow the words of those who attempt to wound you to find a resting place in your life. ...

18. Standing Against the Devil

Many Christians wrongly assume that Satan is much more powerful than he really is. But if you understand James's promise you will know you have abundant spiritual resources to handle Satan's empty threats. ...

19. About Malankara World

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