Malankara World

Today with Jesus

Praise God and Live in Harmony

by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada

Today's Bible Verse

"Then the wolves will live in peace with lambs, and leopards will lie down to rest with goats.” (Isaiah 11:6)


A perfect harmony and peace with nature- the real nature of human beings.

We are created to praise God and live in harmony with all the living beings. “Live in harmony with each other.” (Roman 12:16) All discords and strife are the by products of the cravings of the body for not subduing to the rule of God and love.  “For where ever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.” (James 3:16) The children of Jesus will strive to live in peace with every one even to the plants and animals. Even the nature can come in to our terms if we are peace with nature. The children of God will become the brothers and sisters of all the living beings.” A perfect harmony of nature and human beings will produce the most enchanting music of love. “They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them.” (Mark 16:18)

Around 1221, the town of Gubbio in Italy, where the people wailed about a ferocious wolf that ate animals and humans and mocked the hunters who tried to kill it in the woods. St. Francis went out there to see the animal. Deep in the forest the wolf approached Francis! Who made the sign of the cross, saying: “Brother wolf, come here! You will not eat Brother Ass [Francis’ own nick name for himself and his body] and I command you not to harm any on else.” The wolf listened and eyed Francis with cunning. Then he told to the wolf that he wished to make peace between it and the people of Gibbio. He advised the citizens of Gubbio to be kind with the poor, defenseless, sick and the old. In return the wolf had to protect its residents. It worked very well till the wolf died.

As far as possible try to minimize or stop the intake of non- vegetarian meals and live in peace with your neighbors. Consumption of anything is only for to live not for sports. Give space for all living beings to live. Be with the nature. “Praise the lord! Mountains and all the hills, fruits tress and cedars, wild animals and live stock small scurrying animals and birds.” (Psalm 148:9,10)


Jesus, let us live in peace with all the living beings and with the nature.. We pray for all the people who work to protect the nature in its pristine beauty. Let us understand that no body is an enemy to anybody. All us have the inner eyes to see every thing in love and peace. All we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen

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