Malankara World

Today with Jesus

Be the Preserver of Life, not its Destroyer

by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada

Today's Bible Verse

"A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life - life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)


Is it right to snuff life as we like?

Protect, preserve and propagate life to its fullness is what God wants us to do. We have no right to end life in any form. When we support and live for the propagation of life, we are becoming the co-creators of God's regenerative processes of redemption of broken human lives.

Legal abortion and Euthanasia are indiscriminately being practiced all over the world, especially in the economically well off societies and people in the USA. On top of it, there is war that entitle killing. A culture of murder is at practice. The weak in any place and at any time is vulnerable at the mercy of the strong and murderers. After the U.S Supreme Court's 1973 (Roe V Wade) decision to legalize abortion on demand, more than 42 million legalized abortion have occurred in the US from 1973 through 2002.

We are the descendents of the culture of 'life - live abundantly' mentality. If there is any chance to save a life in any form/way and prolong it, we should do it. Stand and fight against all types of murder. We should not, in any way, be an accomplice of murder. If we do so, then we are on the side of Satan, the murderer. "If you surround and attack a city for a long time trying to capture it, do not destroy its trees with an axe" (Deuteronomy 20:19).

Joseph, a 13 month old Canadian baby on the brink of death, was given a tracheotomy in a hospital. The Canadian hospital recommended returning him home on a breathing machine and placing him in the arms of his family before withdrawing the machine. But by the intervention of the "PRIESTS FOR LIFE", an organization under Father Frank Pavone for pro-life based in New York, the baby was shifted to a hospital in US and is under treatment to prolong the life. It's our hope that this procedure will allow Joseph and his family the gift of a few more months together and that Joseph may be more comfortable," said Dr. Robert Wilmott, the Chief of Pediatrics at the hospital where the baby is being treated. Father Pavone says, "If there is a chance this boy can live, we have to explore every option."

"You must not murder anymore" (Exodus 20:13). We should stand for life at any cost. As God intended, we should not hurt or destroy any forms of life knowingly. Let us be the preserver of life, not the destroyer.


Jesus, please forgive and forget all our sins of murder in thoughts, words, and deeds. We pray for the weak who are under the knives of the murderers. Let the nation and the people come out from their culture of death to life. We pray and remember the souls of all the innocent victims of the crime of murder in wombs and outside. All we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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