Malankara World


Benefits from the Domestic Violence Classes

by: Malyn Villanueva

Domestic Violence covers a range of actions, including battery, assault, murder and rape committed by somebody to whom the victim is intimately related. Dear relations include sexual partners, spouses, children, parents, extended family members, siblings, and dating relationships. Even though sufferers of domestic violence include both women and men, females are affected excessively.

You cannot abolish anger. Feeling irritated from time to time is part of our being human. But you can be taught to channel your sentiments and minimize the risk of domestic violence.

Identify Thoughts, Triggers and Feelings. You must understand and identify and the external feelings, events and thoughts that lead to anger.

Coping Responses. You must find out improved ways to manage with triggers.

Change Thought Patterns. You must learn to recognize and modify unproductive consideration patterns.

Assertiveness Skills. You must gain knowledge and confidence to make "I" statements and stand up for yourself without offending.

Relaxation Techniques. You can use guided imagery and breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Benefits of Domestic Violence Classes

Domestic violence class has many benefits. Consider the following benefits:

-It will condense the risk of harming other people.

-It will lead to fewer legal or financial problems.

-You will have better ability to interact.

-You will have the ability to resolve challenging situation.

-You will only experience less stress.

-You can have better relationships.

-Stronger ability to choose the track you want to take.

The goal of domestic violence classes is to make the sufferer and performer recognize that domestic violence is an intolerable behavior. Every human has the right to live free from abuse, intimidation and violence. The perpetrator is 100% liable for his abusive behavior. Domestic violence is not at fault of the victim. Nobody ever deserves to be harmed no matter what is done or said. Violence towards a partner is deliberate behavior. Abusers can amend their behavior. It within their will and control to stop. Making changes is not simple. Sufficient drive is required for a change to occur. All victims or sufferers should know all reliable information with regard to domestic violence. Through domestic violence classes, you will know their options and find a better and safe way.

See Also:

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
The statistics indicate that when one parent, typically the male, is abusive to the other parent, the children are more likely to be abused as well.

Damaged: How Domestic Violence Shapes A Child
Studies have shown that males who batter their partners are also likely to batter their children and it is estimated that around 3 million youngsters are exposed to violent behavior at home every year. Children from abusive homes are also more prone to be sexually and physically abused and are generally more neglected than those in non-abusive dwellings.

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