Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from an Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal Abstracts

St. Mary
His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
(Luke 1:50)

Ettu Nombu Special
Day 5, Theme: Prayer
Volume 6 No. 369 September 5, 2016

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Annunciation to Mary by Jacopo Da Montagnana
Many of the artists depicts St. Mary in a prayerful posture when Angel Gabriel delivers her the annunciation message. Mary was brought up in the temple from childhood and has participated in all yama prayers, fasting, etc. that became her habit. So, apart from her humility, St. Mary's prayerful nature has pleased God. Prayer is a virtue we learn both from Jesus and from Mary.

Picture above: Annunciation to the Virgin, Painting by Jacopo Da Montagnana.


Featured Articles

1. Introduction to Prayer

Mary represents the model of the Church at prayer. In all probability Mary was absorbed in prayer when the angel Gabriel came to her house in Nazareth and greeted her. This prayerful setting certainly supported the Blessed Virgin in her reply to the angel and in her generous assent to the mystery of the Incarnation. ...

2. Saint Mother Teresa On Prayer

My secret is very simple: I pray. Through prayer I become one in love with Christ. I realize that praying to Him is loving Him. ...Often a deep and fervent look at Christ is the best prayer: I look at Him and He looks at me. When you come face to face with God you cannot but know that you are nothing, that you have nothing...

3. Prayer Is Surrender

Nothing lies outside the reach of prayer except that which lies outside of the will of God. God will only answer the request He inspires. You see, prayer is surrender—surrender to the will of God. It's cooperation with His will. ...

4. How Simple Faith and Prayer Can Lead Others to the Lord

At that point, I'd been in the church my whole life. I'd heard thousands of prayers. But I had never heard anything like this. I remember looking up just make sure that Jesus wasn't sitting next to her, because it sure sounded like He was. She spoke to God as if she knew Him, with a simultaneous confidence and humility that only comes when you're certain you're being heard. ...

5. The First Ten Lessons I Learned about Prayer

Persistence in prayer is taught so many times in Scripture. My favorite is blind Bartimaeus in Luke 18. Let nothing stop you from praying. Not your own inadequacy (of which there is much), your own needs (which can be overwhelming), not your fears (which never tire of assaulting you), and most definitely not other people (discouragement is all around us). Just keep at it. ....

6. Prayer Overcomes All

The inestimable virtue of prayer is able to obtain all good, and remove all hurtful things. ...

7. The Restoring Power of Prayer

Arián said nothing more, but I knew that he had experienced the restoring power of prayer and that the Holy Ghost had penetrated his heart. ...

8. Malankara World Journal Specials on Prayer and 8-Day Lent

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