Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from a Jacobite and Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal
Themes: Bread of Life, The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus, Mothers Day
Volume 8 No. 480 May 11, 2018
May 13, 2018 is the Sunday before Pentecost - the Sunday between Ascension Feast and Pentecost Feast.

Jesus has been in the world for 40 days and appeared to many. These were private audiences, not public appearances. No sermons, no miracles/signs, no healing, etc.

Jesus spent the time solidifying the faith of the disciples and getting them ready for the Ministry. He left the heavy lifting of interpreting the teachings of Jesus and the events to Holy Spirit, the third person of Trinity, that is to come shortly after the departure of Jesus from this world. In fact, Holy Spirit came on the Pentecost Day, 10 days after ascension.

The bible readings for this Sunday are:

Saturday Evening
St. John 16:31-17:12

Sunday Morning
St. John 17:13-26

Holy Qurbana
St. John 6:35-46

John chapter 17 is known as the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. It is one of the best examples of intercessory Prayer. Jesus, just before his passion, prays to His Father for his disciples. It is a moving prayer. We can learn a lot from this prayer.

John 6 reading is best known as one of the "I am" statements of Jesus, "I am the Bread of Life." The road to everlasting life passes through Jesus (Door).

This edition of Malankara World Journal will examine both these bible passages. Please read also the archived editions cited for more info.

Sunday, May 13, 2018 is also celebrated as the Mother's Day in USA and many other countries. We have a supplement to pay tribute to our mothers. You can also read about prior issues on Mother's Day.

We wish you all mothers a Happy Mother's Day.

Dr. Jacob Mathew
Chief Editor, Malankara World


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