Malankara World Journal
Theme: Pentecost, The Paraclete Arrives, Birthday of The Church Volume 7 No. 419 June 2, 2017 |
II. Selected Prayers From The Pentecost Liturgy of The Syriac Orthodox Church |
II. Selected Prayers From The Pentecost Liturgy
The Syriac Orthodox Church |
Editor's Note: Below, you will find selected prayers from the Syriac Orthodox Pentecost Liturgy. The Pentecost Liturgy can be found in its entirety in the Malankara World Pentecost Supplement here: http://malankaraworld.com/Library/Prayers/Zak/THE_ORDER_OF_THE_FEAST_OF_PENTECOSTb.pdf |
Make us worthy, O Lord who loves mankind, to satisfy
our souls with the spiritual drink of the new wine of the
Comforter Spirit so that, being purified and sanctified by
Him, we may sing, with pure and holy tongues, praises to
Your worshipped and hallowed name; Father, Son and
Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Awaken, O Lord, our hearts from the submersion of sin.
Enlighten our minds by the spiritual radiance of your Holy
Spirit. Sanctify our souls by Your divine gifts, and grant
wisdom to our intellects that we may understand the true
and supreme worship of the consubstantial three Persons
of the Godhead, now and forever.
Glory to Him who is invisible, mysterious and beyond
human comprehension, though and mind. He, Who is self-existent,
self sufficient, Maker and Author of all things
visible and invisible and has no beginning and will
continue with end. The eternal, everlasting and the incomprehensible
one true God, one nature, one authority and
one will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There
is not in Him a name without a Person and no Person is
younger or older than the other Person, neither is there any
transformation or alteration of one Person is another is
greatness and smallness. No name or Person is younger or
separated from the Divine Substance. Whenever the Father
is mentioned, the Son and the Spirit are of Him, and when
the Son is mentioned, the Father and the Spirit are
acknowledged in Him, and when the Spirit is mentioned
the Father and the Son are included. The Father begets and
is not begotten. The Son is begotten and does not beget.
The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and takes from
the Son and is consubstantial and co-essential with the
Father. To Him be glory, honor and dominion at this time
of the celebration of Pentecost and at all festivals, times,
hours, seasons and through all the days of our life forever.
O God, invisible, inscrutable, eternal and immeasurable,
You Who reconcilable in the oneness of essence and are
apprehensible in three Holy Persons, Who are understood
in three characteristic attributes by all rational beings and
are acknowledged one God in three worshipped Persons; a
perfect Trinity of three perfect Persons; Father, Son and
Holy Spirit; one essence, one eternal nature, one
true God. Because You were pleased, O God the Father, to
restore man who was created in Your image, and who of
His free will slid into idolatry, You sent Your Word and
Your Son for our reformation. When He became man
without any alteration, He told us plainly and explained to
us the ineffability of the Godhead, and announced to us the
unknown things and the hidden secrets of Your wisdom in
that he knows You and in that he is of You. He also
informed us about the third Light of the Godhead Who is
the Person of the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from You, O
Father, in an unutterable manner. The Spirit of truth, the
Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of might, the Spirit of
knowledge, the perfecter Spirit, the performer Spirit, the
nonqualitative Spirit, the nonquantiative Spirit, the
affectionate Spirit, the Spirit that guides the teachers; the
beneficent Spirit, the powerful Spirit, the Almighty Spirit,
the spirit that is simple in His nature and manifold in His
operation, who is the fount of divine gifts and is
consubstantial with you and with your only Begotten Son,
the Spirit Who spoke in the law through the prophets and
the disciples, who is near to all and fills all, Who effects
sanctification with authority, and not entreatingly, upon
those with Whom he is pleased; through Whom we
beseech You on this glorious feast of Pentecost, on which
the Holy Spirit descended upon the holy apostles, that He
may also descend upon us, Your servants and worshippers,
so You may fill us with his holy gifts; uproot from us all
the defilement of sin, raise us up as pure temples and
presentable habitations for Your dwelling and make us not
submissive to the turbulence of the enemies and bring a
good remembrance and a joyful repose to all the faithful
departed, the children of the Holy Church, especially our
parents, teachers and brethren, who have ended their lives
in the true faith. For You reign over us, o God, the Father
and Lord of all, with Your Only Begotten Son,
Who quickens all, and Your Spirit the most blessed,
worshipped, life-giving and consubstantial with
You, now and forever.
The Holy Spirit descended from on high this holy day and
mixed with the human race that they might become the
children of the kingdom. Blessed is He who sent His
promises and comforted His apostles for whom He divided
tongues that they might preach the Holy Trinity among the
Gentiles and the nations.
When the holy apostles received the Comforter from on
high, they began to speak in new tongue. They were
clothed with mystical power and went out to preach to
creation the glad tidings full of consolation. They taught
many peoples and baptized them with water in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.
Mena olam vada mela olam ol meen ameen -
(As it was from the beginning and shall be
for ever and ever, Amen.)
We thank You, O Lord God, Father of all mercies, for
when the days of Pentecost had come to an end, after the
resurrection of Your eternal Son, and while the disciples in
Jerusalem were awaiting for His promise, You filled them
with the Holy Spirit accompained by the mighty sound
which suddenly came down in the likeness of fiery
tongues and rested upon each one of them so that all those
who were underheaven and those who dwelled in
Jerusalem became amazed and marveled and praise You,
O Giver of all good gifts. Thus You sanctified, exalted and
sent Your holy apostles to bring the human race to the
knowledge of the Trinity, one triune God, baptizing them
in Your holy name, O Holy Father, and in that of Your
Only begotten Son and of your Holy Spirit, by Whom and
with whom, we also worship, praise and glorify the Holy
Trinity, one true God, now and forever.
Hoso.... |
Our lord, Our God and our Savior Jesus Christ, renew
Your Spirit within our intellects, our minds and our hearts.
Subdue from us continually and bring to an end all the
desires of the old man. Make us a newly born creation
which is renewed every day, so that we may offer to You
glory with Your Father and Your Holy Spirit, now and
Let us offer unceasing praise, prostrate adoration and
continual thanksgiving to the Sun of righteousness and the
incomprehensible brilliance Whose dazzling glory
glittered in the Upper Room, thus assuring the thoughts of
the twelve ignorant apostles as He divided tongues among
the unlearned twelve sons that they might speak with
one harmony. He breathed on them and they received the
Comforter Spirit. He granted them wisdom and said to
them: Go to the four quarters of the world and preach the
true faith to the nations and turn the creation of Pentecost
and at all festivals, times, hours, seasons, and through all
the days of our life forever.
Christ our God, the enlightening brilliance of the
conceptual Light, Who, with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, is majestically blessed and sanctified by the
heavenly hosts, Who wished to come down to us and
associate Himself with us. Therefore, he accepted upon
Him to be born in the flesh of the Virgin Mary in order to
fulfill all the things by which we were redeemed, namely,
birth, baptism, crucifixion, death and resurrection. When
He determined to ascend to his Father, He gathered His
apostles on the Mount of Olives and by laying on them His
holy Hands, He blessed them and granted to them
abundant priestly gifts. He breathed on them the Holy
Spirit, saying: Remain in Jerusalem until I send you the
Holy spirit from My Fahter and He will enlighten you and
grant you the wisdom of His abundant gifts; but if I do not
go away, the Comforter will not come to you. When he
had assured His disciples of these promises, he ascended
to heaven with a shout of joy and sat gloriously on the
throne at his Father’s right hand. And when the day of
Pentecost was fulfilled, suddenly the Holy Spirit
descended upon them. He bestowed on them divine gifts,
adorned them with divine wisdom, enlightened them with
spiritual doctrines and enriched them with tongues of all
the nations. Today the unbelieving Jews stood in mourning
when they beheld that those who were ignorant had
become teachers of wisdom and were proven perfectors of
the holy and divine wine from the gift of the Spirit, Who is
holy and life-giving. Therefore, provoked by jealously, the
word went out from the jews saying: These men are full of
wine and are drunken. Today, Simon Peter leaps for joy.
Andrew the son of Zebedee and the rest of the holy
apostles are exceedingly happy and rejoice as they stand
beholding that what was promised by the only begotten
has been fulfilled in deed. Today, by the descent of the
Comforter, the Upper Room has become the second
Babylon, not as a punishment as it was in the confusion of
tongues, as in the first one, but rather, by the power of the
Holy Spirit, it has been enlightened by the light of grace so
that the apostles might become wise for the preaching of
the truth. Today Iscariot was put to shame when he saw the
holy apostles, his friends, to have been changed by the
enlightenment of their minds and intellects with the divine
light of the heavenly mysteries. Even now, we beseech
Your ineffable loving-kindness, O Lord, on this day of
Pentecost to pour upon us the grace of Your Holy and life-giving
Spirit, that we may be cleansed by Him from the
thorny growth of sin. Make us worthy to offer You the
spiritual fruits of virtue, faith, hope and true love. Bestow
upon Your Holy church peace and tranquility that proceed
from You. Visit, O Lord, by Your mercies, the sick, the
oppressed as well as those who have asked and are asking
the prayers of our humble selves. By Your loving
kindness, grant rest and make good commemoration to
our parents, brethren, teachers and all the faithful departed.
Together with them, we offer glory and thanksgiving to
You and to Your Father and to your Holy Spirit, now and forever.
O Lord, our Lord, on this holy day of Pentecost, the seven
weeks’ festival, the Comforter Spirit, in the likeness of fire,
came down on the blessed apostles
in the Upper Room and made them perfect in the true faith,
hope and ove. They then went out to
preach. Halleluiah, and turned he peoples who had gone
astray and taught them the way of truth.
Mena olam vada mela olam ol meen ameen -
As it was from the beginning and shall be
for ever and ever, Amen
O Lord, Our Lord, on this holy day of Pentecost,
we beseech You to pour upon us the gift of the
Holy Spirit by Whom we may gain strength over
the evil one, who is our enemy. Halleluiah, we
praise, worship and glorify the great mystery
of the Trinity.
Christ our God, by Your loving kindness, full of mercy
and compassion towards us who where worshippers of the
adversary and the rebellious demons, You turned us from
the worship idols and made us perfect and true worshippers
of the Holy Trinity. By Your God-pleasing Resurrection,
You reformed us and raised us from the fall of sin, and
cast off and put down our spiritual enemies under our feet.
You gave us the power to sing with confidence, saying:
They are bowed and fallen, but we are risen and stand
ready. When You commanded Your holy apostles not to
go far from Jerusalem until they had received the divine
power from on high, they acted accordingly and obeyed
Your commandment, awaiting Your faithful promise
which, on this day, You brought to perfection and
fulfillment when in the likeness of fiery tongues, the Holy
Spirit, whom You sent, descended upon them; by Whom
they became protected and gained strength. Then they
boldly and openly preached the mystery of the Holy
Trinity to all the peoples and the nations and tongues
under heaven and worked glorious signs and amazing
wonders. We therefore worship You and kneel down on
the ground before You. By this we acknowledge that we
already have become worthy to offer You worship in
Spirit and in truth, and to Your blessed and holy Father
Who sent You for our salvation. And to Your Spirit the
Comforter, Who is Holy and life-giving and consubstantial
with You, now and forever.
O Comforter, Holy Spirit, Who, in the likeness of
fiery tongures, descended upon the holy apostles in the
Upper Room and enlightened their minds with divine
understanding; we beseech You to enlighten us with the
brightness of Your blissful gifts, that now and at all times
we may glorify You and the Father from Whom you
proceed, and the Son from Whom You take, now and
Glory to the Lord, the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the
invisible Father and takes from the adorable Son; Who
performs all that He wills and works all things by His
might power; Who, from ancient times, spoke by the
prophets the things to come and the mysteries; Who, at
last, proclaimed by the apostles the hidden secrets and the
concealed knowledge, Who, in the likeness of fiery
tongues, descended in holiness upon them and filled them
completely with wisdom and understanding. To Him be
glory, honor and dominion at this time of the celebration
of Pentecost and at all festivals, times, hours, seasons and
through all the days of our life.
O God, the Comforter, the Sanctifier of Churches, the
Perfector of all the divine ministries, the Giver of
priesthood, the Performer of baptism, the Consecrator of
the Sacraments, and the Absolver of sins. The Spirit, Who
searches in the depths of thoughts, Who declares hidden
things, who proclaims things to come, and Who performs
marvelous miracles. The Holy Spirit, Who is the receiver
and not the giver, Perfector and not needing to be
perfected; who declares but cannot Himself be expressed
in words; the Sanctifier Who needs no sanctification, the
deifying, who has no need to be deified. The Spirit, Who
moves of His own accord; the Spirit Who possess His own
authority and power; the spirit Who is glorified in His own
glory; the spirit Who is exalted in His supreme site of
dignity; the Spirit, Who is light and the giver of light. The
Spirit of grace and the Fount of goodness. The upright
Spirit; the majestic Spirit, the Spirit Who is Lord, the
Spirit, the Spirit of Sonship, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit
wisdom, the Spirit of understanding, the Spirit of
knowledge. The Spirit of Piety, the Spirit Who prepares
temples for Himself, the Spirit Who guides, the Spirit Who
operates as He wills, and wills as it is meet, the Spirit, who,
distributes gifts to everyone. The Spirit of consolation, the
Spirit of royalty, the Spirit of mighty deeds, the Spirit of
perfection, the Spirit of accomplishment, the Spirit Who
exceeds quality, the Spirit who is beyond quantity. The
Spirit who loves mankind, the Spirit Who fulfills the
prophets, the Spirit Who perfects the apostles, the Spirit,
Who fortifies the martyrs, the Spirit Who adorns the
temples, the Spirit Who pours forth doctrines on the
Teachers, the Spirit Who makes the simple wise. The
beneficent Spirit, the omnipotent Spirit, the Spirit by
Whom the Father is known, the Spirit by Whom the Son is
believed, the Spirit, Who alone is worshipped with the
Father and the Son, the Spirit Who possesses all the
Father’s attributes except Fatherhood, the Spirit Who
owns all the Son’s qualities other than birth and incarnation.
There everlasting Spirit, Who is not less in age than
the Father, the eternal Spirit, Who is not younger than the
Son, the Spirit Who has neither beginning nor end, and is
neither precedent to the Father nor more ancient than the
Son. We pray You, O God, the comforter Spirit, by this
sweet incense, beseeching the abundance of Your incomprehensible
richness, that even now You be pleased to
renew unto us Your divine gifts, and to rest upon us as
You did upon the holy disciples in the Upper Room,
divide among us Your heavenly presents, fill us with your
divine wisdom and with the doctrines of Your divine
mysteries, make us temples for the dwelling of Your glory,
grant us to drink to the full of the abundance of Your
grace, satisfy us with the sublime richness of Your bright
light, grant to us that we live to You and yield ourselves to
you that we may, in purity and holiness, worship You, O
God, the Comforter Spirit. Through You and by You we
worship the hidden Father, from whom You proceed, and
the Son of Whom You take, now and forever. Amen
From God may we receive the remission of debts......
On this holy day, the Comforter Holy Spirit descended and
was divided among the twelve in the likeness of fiery
tongues. Their minds were comforted and they went out
and preached to the creation the Triune Mystery, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.
Barekmore (Bless me on Lord)
The Comforter Holy Spirit came down to the innocent
company of the disciples. He taught them the Glorious
mystery in the tongues of all the nations and gave them
authority to forgive offenses and sins and to heel all
sicknesses in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit.
We worship You our Lord God, the Comforter Holy spirit,
You Who proceed from the Father and take of the Son’s
own, and are worshipped, glorified and professed with the
Father and the Son. You Who of old, did mysteriously
operate the diversities of the mysteries through the
prophets, and now, in the likeness of fiery tongues, You
cleaned and enkindled their minds and their tongues and
thus putting to an end and causing to cease from them the
shameful turbulence of the passions. You showed the
unlearned and the unskilled to be wise men and teachers of
the whole creation, and to them You revealed and made
known the hidden things of your wisdom and the mysterious
ways of Your knowledge. And in the likeness of
mighty and fiery vision, You descended upon each one of
them. And by the power of your flaming divine nature
You fulfilled them and made them perfect. Therefore, at
this hour of Your glorious descent, we bow down our
faces to the floor kneeling because we cannot endure Your
honorable divine countenance and by doing this, we acknowledge
that we have gained and learned by You to offer
worship to You in spirit and in truth. On this account, we
beseech and entreat You, at this time of Your glorious
festival that You continually abide in us and that Your
divine operation be always shown in us in word, deed,
conduct and in all good and perfect works. May we not,
because of our sins and transgressions, be deprived of your
grace. Turn not away from us the goodness of Your
assistance, but rather fill our hearts with power, wisdom,
purity and holiness from You. Make us worthy, by Your
loving-kindness and Your grace, to become pure shrines
for Your ministry and holy temples for the dwelling of
Your glory, so that when we are proven to be clean and
undefiled in Your presence, we may raise up glory and
thanksgiving and offer prostrate adoration to You, O Spirit
Comforter and the Sanctifier of our soul, and to the
Father from Whom You proceed, and to the Son from
Whose own You take, now and forever.
Lord God, the Spirit Comforter, grant to our souls absolution
and to our bodies purification. Grant that we may
keep in ourselves Your divine gifts and offer You continually
pure worship all the days of our lives. Make us pure
shrine for Your glory and for the dwelling of Your
glorious divinity. Let us cry out and say three times:
Kurie-elelison, Kurie-elelison, Kurie-elelison.
[O Lord, have mercy (on me) ... O Lord, have mercy (on me) ... O Lord, have mercy (on me)] |
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