Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from an Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal
Serving and Servant Leadership
Volume 5 No. 309 October 16, 2015
II. This Week's Featured Articles

Leadership as Stewardship

by Dr. Albert Mohler

Christians are rightly and necessary concerned about leadership, but many Christians seem to aim no higher than secular standards and visions of leadership. We can learn a great deal from the secular world and its studies of leadership and its practices, but the last thing the church needs is warmed over business theories decorated with Christian language.

Christian leaders are called to convictional leadership, and that means leadership that is defined by beliefs that are transformed into corporate action. The central role of belief is what must define any truly Christian understanding of leadership. This means that leadership is always a theological enterprise, in the sense that our most important beliefs and convictions are about God. Our most fundamental beliefs about God determine everything else of importance about us. If our beliefs about God are not true, everything we know and everything we are will be warped and contorted by that false knowledge – and this fact points to a huge problem.

The culture around us has its own concept of God, and it has little to do with the God of the Bible. Out in the fog of modern culture, God has been transformed into a concept, a therapist, a benign and indulgent patriarch, and a user-friendly deity. As theologian David F. Wells states so powerfully, "We have turned to a God that we can use rather than a God we must obey; we have turned to a God who will fulfill our needs rather than to a God before whom we must surrender our rights to ourselves. He is a God for us, for our satisfaction, and we have come to assume that it must be so in the church as well. And so we transform the God of mercy into a God who is at our mercy. We imagine that he is benign, that he will acquiesce as we toy with his reality and co-opt him in the promotion of our ventures and careers."

In the aftermath of this crisis in the knowledge of God, many essential truths are eclipsed or lost entirely, and one of those truths is the principle of stewardship.

The Sovereignty of God and the Stewardship of Leaders

Out in the secular world, the horizon of leadership is often no more distant than the next quarterly report or board meeting. For the Christian leader, the horizon and frame of reference for leadership is infinitely greater. We know that our leadership is set within the context of eternity. What we do matters now, of course, but what we do matters for eternity, precisely because we serve an eternal God and we lead those human beings for whom he has an eternal purpose.

But the most important reality that frames our understanding of leadership is nothing less than the sovereignty of God. Human beings may claim to be sovereign, but no earthly leader is anything close to being truly sovereign. In Daniel chapter 4, we learn of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, one of the most powerful monarchs in human history. God judges Nebuchadnezzar for his arrogance and pride, and he takes Nebuchadnezzar's kingly sovereignty away from him. Later, after his humbling lesson, God restored Nebuchadnezzar to his greatness. Now, if your sovereignty can be taken away from you, you are not sovereign. Nebuchadnezzar spoke of the lesson he had learned about who really was sovereign, and he testified of God's true sovereignty, stating that "his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation" (Daniel 4:34).

Like Nebuchadnezzar, today's Christian leaders know that God is sovereign, and we are not. But, what does it really mean to affirm God's sovereignty as Christian leaders?

It means that God rules over all space and time and history. It means that God created the world for his glory and directs the cosmos to his purpose. It means that no one can truly thwart his plans or frustrate his determination. It means that we are secure in the knowledge that God's sovereign purpose to redeem a people through the atonement accomplished by his Son will be fully realized. And it also means that human leaders, no matter their title, rank, or job description, are not really in charge.

The bottom line is this – we are merely stewards, not lords, of all that is put into our trust. The sovereignty of God puts us in our place, and that place is in God's service.

The Steward: The Real Meaning of Servant Leadership

The biblical concept of a steward is amazingly simple and easy to understand. The steward is one who manages and leads what is not his own, and he leads knowing that he will give an account to the Lord as the owner and ruler of all.

Stewards are entrusted with responsibility. Indeed, stewards in the Bible are shown to have both great authority and great responsibility. Kings had stewards who administered their kingdoms – just think of Joseph as Pharaoh's steward in Egypt. Rich citizens hired stewards to serve as what amounted to chief executive officers of their enterprises – just think of the parable Jesus told about the wicked steward in Luke 16:1-8.

Paul describes ministers as "stewards of the mysteries of God" (1 Corinthians 4:11) and Peter spoke of all Christians as "good stewards of God's varied grace" (1 Peter 4:10). Clearly, this is a concept that is central to both Christian discipleship and Christian leadership. Christian leaders are invested with a stewardship of influence, authority, and trust we are called to fulfill. In one sense, this underlines just how much God entrusts to his human creatures, fallible and frail as we are. We are called to exercise dominion over creation, but not as ones who own what we are called to lead. Our assignment is to serve on behalf of another.

Just think of the leadership failures and crises that regularly populate the headlines. Many, if not most of those failures originated in the leader's arrogance or overreaching. Stewards cannot afford to be arrogant, and they must quickly learn the danger of overreaching. At the same time, stewards are charged to act, and not to stand by as passive observers. Leaders are to lead, but to lead knowing that we are leading on another's behalf. Leaders – no matter their title or magnitude – are servants, plain and simple.

Source: This essay is an excerpt from the book, 'The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters'. It is available at,, and your local bookseller.

Source: Daily Update

Meekness - Pride Undercover

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

Would you consider yourself a meek person? Or are you still unsure of what true meekness looks like? It may be helpful to know that most of the men and women who were biblical heroes of the faith had to learn meekness.

Meekness is not something that comes naturally; instead it is learned under the direction of the Holy Spirit. When Peter first met Jesus, he was not meek. Instead, he had his heart set on selfish ideas, but life with the Savior changed that. He never lost his sense of courage or confidence. However, Christ molded Peter’s personality so that he began to reflect the strength and mercy of God.

Another important aspect we need to consider is that godly meekness is different from human modesty. False meekness can be far more dangerous than bragging about all you have and all you can do. A false sense of meekness or modesty often is hard to detect. It is pride undercover and will usually be found in the lives of those who find it hard to accept God’s grace for their lives.

True meekness comes as a result of sincere devotion to the Lord. It is a fruit of the Spirit that He wants to develop in each of our lives. However, there is only one way to begin this journey and that is through prayer and personal dedication. It may also require facing a time of testing. Before Peter could serve, he had to learn how to be meek and humble.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I realize I need Your gift of meekness in my life. My greatest desire is not to serve myself but to serve You. My prayer is that You will develop in me a true sense of meekness so that others will see You living in me and be drawn closer to You.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).

My Devotional © 2013 Leading The Way

Sitting or Serving

by Terry Trivette

Scripture: Luke 22:24-27

1. In Luke 22, at the table of the Last Supper, the disciples began to bicker about which one of them was the greatest. Hearing their silly argument, Jesus took the opportunity to teach them that true greatness, at least in the Kingdom of God, belongs to those who serve.

2. In verse 27, Jesus posed a question to His disciples. He asked them, "[Which] is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth?" That's a good question.

3. By studying this text, we learn which is truly the better position – sitting or serving? Jesus teaches us that in the Christian life, it is always better to serve than to be served.

4. There are three truths we find in this passage that help us to see the greatness that can only come by being a servant. Notice first of all, in this passage that:


1. Most of the teachings of Jesus run completely counter to this world's way of thinking. For instance, Jesus taught that you should love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and be glad about persecution.

2. Those kinds of concepts are in direct opposition to a world that says enemies are to be attacked, curses are to be matched, and persecution is to be avoided at all cost.

3. In our text, in order to show how differently the world operates from the kingdom of God, Jesus makes an observation about the culture of this world.

4. In verse 25, Jesus says, "The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors."

5. Notice with me a couple of things we draw from this cultural perspective that Christ examined. Notice first of all that Jesus points out:

A. How the world views power

1. In verse 25, Jesus says, "The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them…" In Christ's day, there were more of what are called "absolute monarchies", or kings who had absolute control over their kingdoms.

2. In verse 25, Jesus pointed to this type of ruler and how they used their rule. Notice the phrase "exercise lordship over them." It comes from one Greek word, and it means to "lord over someone".

3. Jesus pointed to the kings of His day and how they used their power to control the people under them. They "lorded over" the lives of their subjects.

4. While there are not as many absolute monarchs around in our day, this cultural principle that Jesus pointed out is still very true.

5. According to the world, power is an opportunity for control. If a person can get power, whether in a government or in a company, the world says that power is the perfect vehicle to control people, and tell them what to do.

6. History is full of examples of what our Lord referred to. Hitler, Mussolini, Lennon, Stalin, Castro, Chairman Mao, Saddam Hussein. These are just a few of the names of men who used power for control.

7. Jesus was merely pointing out a philosophy that pervades human culture. That is, if you can get power, you can use that power to make people do what you want them to do.

8. Notice something else Jesus pointed out as He examined the cultural perspective.

Notice not only how the world views power, but also:

B. How the world views position

1. Jesus goes on in verse 25, and says, "…they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors."

This is an interesting phrase.

2. Jesus says that those who hold positions of authority are called "benefactors". The word "benefactors" comes from a compound of two Greek words and it literally means "good workers".

3. In other words, Jesus says that in this world's system, those that hold positions of authority are looked up to, admired, and regarded as someone who has done something right.

4. Think about that. This is true of our day as well, and the celebrity-crazed culture in which we live. If someone has a title, or a position, we are apt to think they are special, or have done something good.

5. We live in a world that equates position with achievement. If a person has climbed the ladder, moved up, and succeeded, we are apt to celebrate them, even though they may have achieved their success by doing unscrupulous and unethical things.

6. Can you imagine working for a company among whose employees, 29 have been accused of spousal abuse, 7 have been arrested for fraud, 19 have been accused of writing bad checks, 117 have been involved in bankruptcies, 3 have served time for assault, 71 have bad credit, 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges, 8 have been arrested for shop-lifting, 21 are currently being sued, and 84 were arrested for drunk driving in one year?

7. What kind of company is that? It is the United States Congress. However, in spite of their largely "scoundrel" status, people will still gush and fawn over politicians for no other reason than the fact that they hold a position.

8. Jesus heard his disciples arguing over greatness, and He pointed them to the world's perspective on power and position.

9. Notice a second truth we draw from this text. In it, Jesus not only examines the cultural perspective, but notice also secondly that:


1. Notice with me the opening words of verse 26. Jesus said, "But ye shall not be so…" The world wants and worships power and position, but that is not supposed to be the case for the Christian.

2. The disciples disputed about which one of them was the greatest. In verse 26, Jesus explained to them that greatness is measured very differently in the kingdom of God.

3. Jesus contrasts the Christian's worldview with that of the culture in which they live. Notice a couple of things He reveals about the Christian's position on greatness. Notice first of all:

A. How the Christian understands achievement

1. In verse 26, Jesus says, "But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger…"

2. The world says that greatness is found in climbing to a position above others where you have the power to tell them what to do. Jesus says that for the Christian, greatness does not come from climbing, but from condescending.

3. Notice that phrase, "let him be as the younger". Dr. Ivor Powell, in his commentary on Luke says, "Throughout Israel, the unpleasant tasks [were] often given to the youngest son because it would be beneath…the oldest to attend to menial tasks."

4. Most people would think that achievement is getting to the point where you don't have to get your hands dirty by doing the servant's chores. Jesus says that for the Christian, achievement comes from doing those things that nobody else wants and likes to do.

5. Somewhere, a wealthy CEO settles in to his favorite chair, as a butler serves him a gourmet meal. On the other side of the world, a missionary woman cuddles an African infant, dying of AIDS, in a dirty hut, with a small plate of rice, and a bottle of powdered milk.

6. Which picture do you equate with success and achievement? Our Lord says that in His kingdom, achievement looks more like a missionary than it does a millionaire.

7. In 1745, David Brainerd was a weak, depressed, and slowly-dying missionary, sleeping in a tent in the cold forests of New England, trying to reach the Native Americans. Within two years, he would die of tuberculosis, no doubt made worse by the environment in which he ministered.

8. The hardship of his life did not deter him. Brainerd wrote in 1747, "O I longed to fill the remaining moments all for God! Though my body was so feeble…yet I wanted to sit up all night to do something for God."

9. Brainerd died with very few converts from his ministry. Some would say his life was not a success. Yet, the countless missionaries that have been inspired by his diary and letters would certainly disagree, as would, I believe, the Lord Jesus.

10. Jesus taught His disciples that Christians must understand achievement differently than the world. Notice something else the Lord explained about the Christian's position. Notice not only how the Christian understands achievement, but also:

B. How the Christian uses authority

1. Look back at verse 26. Jesus says, "But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve."

2. Notice that phrase, "he that is chief". It comes from a Greek word that speaks of one that leads or rules. The word "serve" comes from a Greek word that gives us our English word, "deacon". It literally means "to wait tables."

3. Jesus says that in the Christian community, those that lead and have authority over the body ought to be the ones waiting the tables, and performing the acts of service.

4. In the Kingdom of God, authority and leadership are opportunities to serve. For the Christian, leadership is not a license to give orders; it is a chance to serve others!

5. During the Revolutionary War, a man in civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers trying to repair a defense barrier. Their leader was shouting commands as the men struggled to do the job. The man on horseback stopped and asked the leader why he wasn't helping his men. The man barked back, "Sir, I am a corporal!" The stranger apologized, then dismounted his horse and proceeded to help the men fix the barrier.

6. As he was about to ride off, he said to the corporal, "Next time you have job like this, and not enough men to do it, go to your commander-in-chief, and I will help you again." The stranger was George Washington, and the corporal was embarrassed.

7. The world views power and position as opportunities to help one's self. Jesus said that the Christian takes a very different position.

8. The Christian understands that achievement is measured by the service you give, and authority is used as a means of performing that service.

9. There is one final thing we draw from this text. Here, not only do we find that Jesus examines the cultural perspective, and that Jesus explains the Christian's position, but notice also thirdly that, in this text:


1. Look with me a verse 27. Jesus asks a question that seems to have an obvious answer. He asks, "For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat?"

2. In essence, Jesus asks, "Which one is greater; the one sitting down and being served, or the one serving?" Jesus knew that to the world, it would appear that the one being served was the greater of the two.

3. However, Jesus again goes against the thinking of this world, and says in verse 27, "…but I am among you as he that serveth."

4. Jesus had taught His disciples true greatness comes through service. He did not just preach this principle. He portrayed it with his life.

5. Notice a couple of things about the example our Lord gave us. Notice first of all:

A. His selflessness

1. If anyone had a right to sit down and be served, it was Jesus. He was the God of the universe. His Word had brought the world into existence, and His power had held it together throughout the ages.

2. Angel's sit attentively at His throne, and His name is the on the lips of heaven's inhabitants. He is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.

3. Yet, we find Him setting aside His heavenly garments, leaving the praises of heaven's choirs, and clothing Himself in the humble wrappings of a peasant, surrounded only by a few shepherds and some smelly livestock.

4. He left the streets of gold to walk the dusty roads of Galilee. He left the Father's side to eat next to the likes of Peter, Thomas, and Judas.

5. He descended from His cosmic throne to be lifted up on cruel cross in front of jeering crowds and spiteful spectators.

6. Men should have served Him; but they slew Him instead. He could have claimed the world for Himself, but He gave Himself for the world instead.

7. He is selflessness personified. He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and in doing so, He exemplified the principle of putting service before self.

8. Notice something else we find in our Lord's example to us. Notice not only His selflessness, but notice also:

B. His service

1. In verse 26, Jesus told His disciples that the leaders in His church must be the ones who will serve. Then in verse 27, He declared, "…but I am among you as he that serveth."

2. Luke doesn't record it, but John tells what happened after this discussion. John 13, verses 4 and 5 says, "He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded."

3. Washing the feet was a necessary practice in that day, but it was one that only the slaves and servants were expected to perform.

4. Jesus talked to His disciples about service, and then He demonstrated for them the kind of work a servant would do.

5. Imagine looking down at your feet, and there, knelt down before you was Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

6. What an indelible impression that must have made on those men. They would forever remember what true greatness looks like when it wears the clothes of a servant.

7. A man once talked to his pastor about one of the principles he had preached about. The man said, "It comes down to basin theology." The pastor was a little puzzled, and he said, "What is basin theology?" The layman said, "Remember what Pilate did when he had the chance to acquit Jesus? He called for a basin and washed his hands of the whole thing. But Jesus, the night before his death, called for a basin and proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples. It all comes down to basin theology. Which one will you choose?"

8. Jesus left us a clear example of what it means to be great in His kingdom. Those who serve are always greater than those who sit.

1. In most churches, on most Sundays, most of the people have come to sit and see what the church can do for them.

2. Though classes need to be taught, babies need to be watched, buildings need to be maintained, songs need to sung, and ministries need to be staffed, still the church suffers from an abundance of sitters and a shortage of servants.

3. Jesus asked, "Which one is greater? Is it the one who is served, or the one who serves?" For the Christian, the answer is found in the example of our Lord. Let us serve, instead of sit.


3. Powell, Ivor, Luke's Thrilling Gospel, (Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, 1994), p. 454

4. Piper, John, Oh, That I May Never Loiter On My Heavenly Journey, Text from Bethlehem Conference, 1990, 9/20/08, 1461_Oh_That_I_May_Never_Loiter_On_My_Heavenly_Journey/

5. Service,, 9/20/08,

6. Swindoll, Charles, The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart, (Word Publishing, Nashville, 1998), p. 516

What to Do When Worry Gets the Best of You

by Cindi McMenamin

One of my friends sent me a text upon learning her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. I was surprised - yet encouraged - by her reaction.

"God's got this," she said confidently.

I want that type of unswerving trust in the One who can handle all things.

Then I realized something. You and I have the ability to have that kind of trust in God because we've been given the same thing that my friend, Allison, has been given: God's trustworthy Word. And his trustworthy character. Still, we tend to be people who worry.

When I asked a group of Christian women to tell me what they worry about most, this is what they said:

  • I worry about my children, and that they will wander from the Lord.
  • I worry that I don't have any friends.
  • I'm concerned about unsaved family members. I want them to know Christ and spend eternity with him.
  • I'm worried about the stability of my marriage and my husband's desire for a divorce.

I'm so comforted to know that God is intimately acquainted with all our ways and that he knows our thoughts (and concerns) before we even think them (Psalm 139:2). That assures me he is already working on the matters that concern us most.

I'm also glad God knew we would be worriers and prone to anxiety and stress. And I'm SO glad he had the Apostle Paul address our "anxious thoughts" in Philippians 4:6-7:

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

So, according to that verse, if you're worried about not having friends, tell God about it, and thank him that he already knows your situation. Ask his wisdom in leading you toward trusted friends and then rest in the peace that comes from trusting him.

If you're concerned your unsaved family members, remember that God desires their salvation even more than you do. So thank him that he is the One who draws all men to himself, and then pray specifically for them, trusting God's timing and methods. He may choose to reach them through you and he may not.

And when you start to stress out about your marriage, remember that God's heart breaks over broken marriages - not because he can't fix them, but because we often give up before we allow him the chance to restore it all. He is the God of reconciliation, not the God of giving up. He is also the author of persevering love. Pray, dear friend, for your husband's heart to soften toward the Lord and that, in the process, you can love him as God loves him.

Any time you find yourself in a situation you can't do anything about (which is why we worry in the first place) trust that God is who he says he is and he can work out that situation far better than you.

In my life, when I begin to worry that God hasn't "done something yet," I have to remind myself that he is who he says he is. He doesn't need my help. He doesn't need my stress. He desires my trust. When I acknowledge that he is God and I am not and that his plan is always better than mine, that is when he gives me that peace that guards my heart and soul - as Philippians talks about.

He still expects me to be a good friend before I can find a good friend. He still expects me to share my faith and talk openly of his goodness, in case he wants to use me to reach my unsaved family members. And he still expects me to work at my marriage and be the wife he called me to be, regardless of what I might feel. But when you've done what you can, go confidently back to the principles in Philippians 4:6-7 and "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand…" (NLT).

The next time you begin to worry, ask yourself "What am I believing about God that isn't true?" "Do I believe he is true to his word? Do I believe he can really take care of this?”

Trust that he really can work ALL things together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). And through this time of waiting and trusting (rather than worrying), you can also have peace knowing that during your time of trusting, he is making you more like his Son (Romans 8:29).

Today, my friend's husband who was diagnosed with colon cancer is doing remarkably well. It's been two years. The cancer is gone. They're still living day by day in the palm of God's hand. And they're still convinced - and so am I - that "God's got this."

About The Author:

Cindi McMenamin is a national speaker and author of several books, including 'When Women Walk Alone', 'God's Whispers to a Woman's Heart', and her newest, 'When God Sees Your Tears'. For more on her ministry or for free resources to strengthen your soul, marriage, or walk with God, see her website:

Source: Daily Update


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