Malankara World

Shunoyo (Soonoyo) - Assumption of St. Mary - Supplement

Mary’s Assumption is hope for today’s society, says Pope Benedict XVI

by Castel Gandolfo

For Pope Benedict VI, more and more today’s society must be aware of the feast day honoring the Assumption of the Virgin, "so felt by the Christian people" as a "luminous sign of hope".

"Today," he explained, "there are those who live as if they were never to die or as if all should end with death. Some act as if humankind was master of its own destiny, as if God did not exist, going so far as to deny Him any place in our world. The great advances in science and technology, which have much improved humanity’s conditions, leave unanswered the innermost questions of the human soul. Only by opening up to the mystery of God, which is Love, can our heart’s thirst for truth and happiness be quenched. Only a point of view based on eternity can give historical events, especially the mystery of human frailty, suffering and death, real value".

The sign of Mary’s Assumption plays fundamental role in Christians’ journey and mission. "By contemplating Mary in her celestial glory," the Pontiff said in conclusion, "we understand that the earth is not our final homeland, that if we live constantly focused on that which is eternal, we can share one day that same glory. For this reason, despite our many daily challenges, we must not lose our serenity and peace. The luminous sign of the Assumption of our Lady in the heavens glows brighter than the sad shadows cast by sorrow and violence. We are certain that from high above Mary follows our steps with sweet trepidation. She brightens our life in its dark and stormy hours and reassures us with her maternal hand. Conscious of this, we continue confident along our path shaped by our Christian commitment wherever Providence takes us".

August 16, 2006

See Also:

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Pope John Paul II
Homily delivered by Pope John Paul II on Wednesday, 15 August 2001,

Homily During the Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption by HH Pope Benedict XVI
Delivered at the Parish Church of Castel Gandolfo on 15 August 2005.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Rev. James Bartoloma
Homily given at the annual Mater Ecclesiae Solemn High Mass in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Camden, NJ on August 15, 2007.

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