Malankara World

Today with Jesus

True Love

by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada

Today's Bible Verse

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John :13)


Love is always painful. Love always demands sacrifice. Sweetness is the end result of all kinds of love. A world, a home. an office, and an individual without love could become a death chamber. Nothing can be compensated for the absence of love. Love + any number becomes an astronomical figure but an astronomical number – love becomes a big 0. A world of no love where we are being lived is heading towards its own end. The high speed of this suicidal movement of the earth could be braked, and paused only by the acts of love . That is not yet completely drained from the universe. That is our hope and solace. Where we are is the question? Is it in the side of the selfish love or in the side of sacrificial love.

The shooting in Tucson in Arizona USA on Saturday, 8 January 2011 took a heavy toll of 6 killed including 9 year old Christina Taylor Green, and 14 wounded, including the Congress woman Gabrielle Gifford. Mary Stoddard 75, who was shot in the leg 3 times, her husband Dorwan 76 done to the ground and covered her when shooting started. She talked to him for 10 minutes. Mean while a bullet passed through his head. Then his breathing stopped. The two grade school sweet hearts had lost contact and then faced each other after both retired in Tucson, falling in love.

For love nothing to loose even if you end your life.


Jesus, let us learn the first lesson of love from your mouth. Let people understand and live In love. we pray for all lovers and loved ones . We remember the pain and sacrifice behind all types of love. Let the children love the parents and parents love the children. All we ask in the name of Jesus.


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