Malankara World


Christmas Greetings

by H.E Yeldho Mor Theethose


December 12, 2009

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Beloved in Christ,

Another Christmas season is at hand. Christmas is not just a story of Angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. The heavenly angels who appeared to the shepherds at Christ's birth announced peace on earth, declaring the inaugural step for reconciliation between a righteous God and sinful man.

Me dear friends, Christmas comes every year to remind us that man is not on earth by accident. God has put man on earth for a purpose. Man is the object of a loving-God, who provides everything and governs everything. It is for the sake of man, the Creator assumed the human form. He became one of us that He might take up to share in His divine life. Yes, man is important enough to be visited by His Creator.

So there cannot be a peace without glorifying our heavenly Father through our lives, through our words and deeds. May God enable us to experience the true spirit of Christmas- that the God's peace came to earth, clothed in human form- Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Let me wish you all a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the spirit of Christmas guide your heart all thru the coming year, just as the wise men were guided by the star.

May God bless you.

+ Archbishop Theethose Yeldho

Source: SOCM Forum

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