Malankara World

Weekly Devotional


by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand

Saturday 14 February, 2009 (7 Mechir; 7 Amsheer):
Vigil of The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple.

At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father,
and ye in me, and I in you.
(John 14:20)

As the Great Fast approaches here is a quote to take note of:
The Path of Fasting leads to the path of Purity. Fasting is the cutting off of
lust and evil thoughts, the purity of prayer, the illumination of the soul,
the guarding of the mind, the deliverance from hardness of heart, the
door to contrition, the occasion for silence, the health of the body,
freedom from the passions, the remission of sins.
(John Climacus)


Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace. According
to your word. For my eyes have seen Your Salvation, which
You hvae prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring
revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.
'Song of Simeon' Commonly called the 'Nunc Dimitus'
(Luke 2:29-32)

The Holy Virgin, alone, was addressed as the one 'Full of Grace'
for she alone has obtained the grace that no one else, but her,
will ever possess. She was filled with the gifts of Grace.
(St. Ambrose of Milan)

Whoever lays his worries in all things before God, lays a
foundation for all his works.
(John Saba)

Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire
of every living thing.

And this is life eternal, that they might know the only
true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.
(John 17:3)

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.
(1 John 2:17)

His eyes watch over you wherever you go. His hands guide you,
and His peace leads you.
(Mystery of Godliness)

Do not allow any images to stand between your mind and God
while reciting the Jesus Prayer.
(St. Theophan)

The Sacfifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite
heart- these O God you will not despise.

The angels serving: your Salvation tell each other, since the
word has taken a perishable body, how can we stand still?
(Originos the Scientist)


Jesus Christ must live in us, and we must live only in Him. His
life must be our life, and our life must be a continuation and
expression of His life.

Lord Jesus, make us realize that You are living in us and we are
in You. Enable us to radiate You in our outward life by being
consciously united to You in our inner lives.
(John Eudes)



And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world,
that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
(John 17:13)

A favorite idea of St.Paul: Gaudete in Domino Semper (Joy in the Lord
always). Hence he was in such high spirits even in prison.

Joy is what we are all after (not pleasure as such). Because we are made by
God for joy. Life ought to be a joyous thing, but there is no real joy to be
got out of life apart from God. History and experience show it. Make
happiness depend on created things, and they fail us.

There is only one human soul which possessed 'Perfect Joy': and that was
Jesus Christ's. The love of God and God's creatures is the joy of Christ's
humanity. Only by union with Christ can we get perfect joy.

Christ is the natural home of joy. Joylessness and harshness in religion are
not from Christ.

But He was a Man of Sorrows acquainted with grief, but that soon turned in
Joy when He overcame death by rising to Life on that Resurrection Morning.

Be ye Partakers of His Joy.

To Thee be Glory and Praise, now and ever, unto Ages of Ages.

Today's Readings:

Evening: Psalm 109:4-7; Gospel Matt.16:13-19.
Morning: Psalm 72: 23&28; Gospel John 15:17-25.
Liturgy: 2 Cor.4:5-5:11; 1 Peter 2:18-3:7; Acts 20:17-38;
Psalm 106:32,41&42; Gospel John 10:1-16.

Copyright DR

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