Malankara World

Today with Jesus

Power over Death

by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada

Today's Bible Verse

“Even when I walk through the valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.” (Psalm 23:4)


We can struggle with pain, suffering, disease, and injury. But strength and courage cannot overcome death. Death has the final word. Only one person can walk with us through death’s dark valley and take us safely to the other side- the God of life. Jesus says, don’t be afraid, "I am with you till the end of time (the age).”

Now people are afraid of everything. After the nine eleven incident, the mighty invincible American people are afraid, even to travel. They depend more on the creation than the creator. They forget the immorality of soul and eternity. Those who have faith in God and the eternity, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"I’m afraid to die,” Felicity said to Perpetua. “I don’t want my baby to grow up without a mother.” As a new mother, Perpetua understood. They were both going to be killed for being Christians. “Our babies will be raised by Christians,” Perpetua said. “They will know that we loved them, and that we loved our Lord.”

“A little bit, I know we’ll be with God in heaven,” As she and Felicity prayed and consoled each other, a Roman soldier opened their cell door. Perpetua took Felicity’s hand to comfort her. “It is time, “ he said. Let’s go greet our lord,” “ Yes,” said Felicity with a smile. “Let’s go”.

Two young mothers' courage and faith in front of death never was wasted.


Lord, we see your unforeseen protection and presence in our life. Give us your light, comfort and consolation in this life and the life to come to continue our journey. All we ask in the name of Jesus.


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