Malankara World

Today with Jesus

Giving Up

by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada

Today's Bible Verse

"For due season we will reap, if we don't give up. And let us not grow weary of doing good." (Galatians 6:9).


Are you on the verge of 'giving up' in your pursuit of life?

When all sides look bleak, remember there is a heaven above, and a God of creation to make everything new and
bright. God stands for creation, not destruction, to give in, not give up, and to support, not to pull down. Winter
can't stand still but has to give way to spring - that is the law of nature and God – a life of new leaves, buds,
flowers, fruits, etc., a new life for all living things - a joy to all. We can always be confident that the never-failing
miraculous hand is waiting to descend when you feel suicidal, withdrawn and depressed.

It is discouraging to continue to do what is right and receive no word of thanks, or see no tangible results, but Paul
challenged the Galatians, and challenges us to keep on doing good and trust God for the results. People's
perception and attitude will change, but God, our Savior, is always faithful - yesterday, today and tomorrow. So,
we should persist in doing what we do. Continue to ask, seek and knock. God will give them to you.

Ivan Henry has been acquitted and proved his innocence after serving 26 years in jail, the longest incarceration
served till date by any one in Canada. When he went to jail, his two daughters were aged 7 and 9, and it was six
years since his wife had died. He represented himself, filed appeals but none of these were successful until the
latest one. The trial judge had made several errors. But he's not angry or bitter. "It wouldn't heal me if I was angry,
I would just walk around and start drinking, I can't do that," he said. Henry also had advice for those innocent
people still in jail. "Don't give up. Keep plugging ahead and work to get out and to learn what society is all about.
It's not all a dirty world. We are all here to try and help each other".

Give a supporting hand to those who are on the verge of falling. The generations won't forget it and heaven will
support you when you are falling. The justice system should be fool proof and corruption, of any kind, should
never creep into the periphery of justice. The integrity of investigators and jurists should be above suspicion.


Jesus, You are the God who support and make us grow. We pray for those who are depressed due to failures in
life, failure in marriage, mental challenges above their capacities, jail terms, pressures of life, and other innumerable
reasons. We pray for those people with suicidal minds and other weaknesses. Let them know that they are not
alone and that you are always with them. We ask this in the name of Jesus.


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