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Spiritual and/or Moral Articles

Let Go

by: Scott F Paradis

Jesus implores, "Oh weak in faith, stop worrying. Your heavenly Father knows what you need." God's plan works. How has your plan been going so far?

Align yourself with God's plan. The challenge is to not automatically fall victim to the wiles of this world and the deceit of ego. Listen for the still small voice within. By rejecting ego you open yourself to the Holy Spirit, to the divine plan. Let go of the weights that hold you back and journey once more, free.

Listen, plan, act, but do not attach yourself to outcomes. Let go of the outcome. Detach yourself from the details. Anxiety over outcomes is the realm of ego. Ego, always seeking to control, shackles you to events past. If the circumstances you encounter involve the acquisition of power, beware the influence of ego. Ego's main tools are arrogance and fear. Let go — don't intend to dominate others nor succumb to fear.

On this spinning globe, inhabited by some six and a half billion souls, realize in truth there is only you. The masses are here to help you achieve your purpose, your destiny. Everyone is here for you - not to make your journey comfortable or easy or simple but to add dimension to your quest. Your task is to discover your inner strength, your true genius, your special character and transcendent and enduring nature. You are spirit on an earthly journey finding your way home.

While society could be running smoothly like water blending together in a stream, often instead people act like rocks banging and grinding and scraping along. When you encounter friction realize your vision is not yet clear, your thinking not yet pure. Friction is a measure of resistance - don't be party to it. Learn to act like water, be the fluid of life and accept that though you encounter rocks, these are not obstacles to confront but rather rough edges to polish.

Let go of any anchor. An anchor only draws you to new depths. Let go of the illusion of fixing yourself in time and space; this world is in constant motion; clinging leads to regret. Like grasping an object in a jar, by your grip you trap yourself. Only by releasing hold will you gain freedom. Choose freedom over bondage, release your grip - a new adventure will unfold.

Release blame, fear, and guilt - let go. What you cling to holds you back. The truth surrounds you. You are immersed in light - open your eyes. As if submerged in water; you breathe God, feel God, experience God, yet still ego seeks to convince you that God does not exist. Ego falsely directs you to choose a lonely, pain-filled path.

Lift the veil of the illusion to reveal that you are home, now, in the arms of God, enfolded in love. Accept this truth.

Let go of fabricated faults, perceived injustices and self-imposed obstacles. You are not meant to lay up an earthly treasure, nor worry about the cares of this life. Let go of ego. Rather seek first the way of truth, the path of freedom, and all riches will be yours besides.

About The Author

Copyright (c) 2011 Scott F Paradis

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will"

See Also:

Judge Not
We judge people and conditions by appearance, by demeanor, by expression, by every sense and faculty. Every judgment is an exultation of "I" - "ego" over the "other" and the "whole."

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