by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand
Saturday 16 January 2010 ( 8 Tobi; 8 Tuba)
As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the
Father; so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.
But Jesus answered and said to him, "Permit it to be so
now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness,"
then he allowed Him.
Love never fails.
I have fallen raise me up and strengthen me, O Lord;
for Thou raiseth up all who have fallen.
St. Moses the Black defines the unceasing prayer to be,
"the worship of the heart."
Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
John answered, saying to all, "I indeed baptize you with water;
but One mightier than I is coming, He will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit and fire.
O, my heart, why are you striving for for happiness in this world,
when you know there is no peace or joy in it.
O God, You know my foolishness; and my sins are not hidden from You.
Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide Yourself from my supplication.
Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance.
It is not all enough for you to leave sin and repent from it.
You must repair the results of your sin as much as you can.
The Holy Eucharist (Communion) is a fire that purifies and consumes
all our miseries and imperfections. Do Everything in your power to make
yourself worthy of the Eucharist, and this Divine Fire will take care of
the rest.
Living God, You have given us the Communion as our food for heavenly
life. Help us to partake of it often, and so be strengthened during our
pilgrim journey on earth.
Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptised of him.
John's reaction was one of dismay, that Christ should come to him for
Baptism, being the sinless One. But Jesus told John it was needful for Him to be
Baptised as an example
for the rest of mankind. We go to Matt.28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, Baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Ghost." This was Our Lord's Commission not only to His Apostles,
but to the Church down through the ages. But is this being done today? Have
we the same zeal as the early Church?
We do not think enough about our own baptism; it is Our Lord's first gift to
each of us, full of His thoughtfulness. In instituting it, He took something
that existed already (Jews used it in receiving proselytes; and John the
Baptist accentuated it,) and He made it into a great Spiritual reality. So
Baptism, like Sacrifice, goes back into the roots of human history, awaiting
His creative
Our own Baptism is not a mere event in the past; it is working in you still:
infused grace, infused virtues, and the right to actual graces. The need is
to live up to our Baptism. Virtues like limbs, do not grow unless they are
used. Keep thy Baptism, Keep the Commandments of God, that thou mayest meet
Baptism is the prerequisite for admission into Christ's Body the Church, not
into one specific
denomination, as some would have us think. Scripture allows for re-baptism
if it has been done
by Apostates or Heretics. May we all take Our Lord's Commission to heart and
follow His
instructions and Go into all the World and Preach the Gospel to the
unconverted and also to
those who are Churchians and not Christians.
To Thee be glory and praise, now and ever, unto Ages of Ages.
Today's Readings:
Evening: Psalm 110:4&7; Gospel Matt.18:13-19.
Prophet Malachi.
Forefeast of the Theophany.
Years mind of Bishop Karas's repose.
(John 6:57)
(1 Cor.13:8)
(Ephraim the Syrian)
(John 1:29)
(Luke 3:16)
(Mystery of Godliness)
(Luke 3:8)
(HH Pope Shenouda III)
(Hyacinth of Marescotti)
Morning: Psalm 73:23-28; Gospel John 15:17-25.
Liturgy: 2 Cor.4:5-5:11; 1 Peter 2:18-3:7; Acts 20:17-38,
Psalm 107:32-42; Gospel John 10:1-16.
Copyright DR
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