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Bible Commentary / Bible Study

B. W. Johnson Commentary on Mark 2:23-28

From The People's New Testament, B. W. Johnson, 1891.

Mark Chapter 3

"The Sabbath rest; that is, a rest of one day in seven was made for man, not for Jews only. This implies that it is to be a universal institution; that the good of man requires it, and that it is not an arbitrary enactment, but a wise and benevolent provision for the welfare of the race. Experience shows that men are happiest, most moral, most prosperous and healthiest where it is devoutly observed."

23. He went through the corn fields on the Sabbath. See notes on Matt. 12:1-8. Compare Luke 6:1-11.

26. In the days of Abiathar, the high priest. In 1 Sam. 21:1-9, Ahimelech is represented as the [169] high priest. Abiathar was his son and successor. The Revised Version gives the text of the best MSS. by omitting "the high priest."

27. The Sabbath was made for man. The Sabbath rest; that is, a rest of one day in seven was made for man, not for Jews only. This implies that it is to be a universal institution; that the good of man requires it, and that it is not an arbitrary enactment, but a wise and benevolent provision for the welfare of the race. Experience shows that men are happiest, most moral, most prosperous and healthiest where it is devoutly observed.

28. The Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. This affirms the Divine nature of Jesus. None but the Divine is Lord of a divine institution. Since Christ is Lord of the Sabbath day, he has the right to modify it, to adapt it to the new dispensation, and to change the time of its observance from the last day of the week to the first, so as to make it the memorial of the beginning of the New Creation, instead of commemorating the rest from the first creation.

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