Malankara World

Bible Commentary / Bible Study of Mark 12: 38-44

Geneva Notes on Mark 12:38-44

Mr 12:38
12:38 {6} And he said unto them in {g} his doctrine, Beware of
the scribes, which love to go in {h} long clothing, and
[love] salutations in the marketplaces,

(6) The manners of ministers are not to be followed rashly as
an example.
(g) While he taught them.
(h) The word is a "stole", which is a kind of woman's
garment that goes down even to the heels, and is taken
generally to refer to any pleasant looking garment, but
in this place it seems to signify the fringed garment
mentioned in De 22:12.

Mr 12:41
12:41 {7} And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld
how the people {i} cast money into the treasury: and many
that were rich cast in much.

(7) The doing of our duties which God allows is not considered
worthy according to the outward value, but instead
according to the inward affections of the heart.
(i) Money of any type of metal which the Romans used, who
in the beginning stamped or made coins of brass, and
after used it for currency.

See Also: Sermons, Analysis and Bible Commentaries on Mark 12:38-44

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